Hawai'i Coral Reef Network

Fishes of Hawai'i

Family Diodontidae - puffers

Diodon holocanthus - Spiny puffer - 'O'opu Okala wav.gif (916 bytes)

Description: light in body color with 6-7 large brown spots, scales enlarged to spines; spines erect when body inflated; body covered with fewer small spots
Size: to about 37 cm
Habitat: primarily nocturnal, hides under ledges during the day
Diet: carnivore: mollusks, crabs, echinoids and hermit crabs

Diodon hystrix - Porcupinefish - Kökala wav.gif (916 bytes)

Description: brown in color, scales enlarged to spines; spines erect when body inflated; body covered with small blue-black spots
Size: to 80 cm
Habitat: primarily nocturnal, found under ledges during the day, can assemble over wrecks
Diet: carnivore: primarily gastropods, crabs, hermit crabs and other invertebrates


Last update: 1/25/2005